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A Womb of Their Own
What can a diverse group of masculine-identified pregnant people teach the world about gender?
A feature documentary completed April 2016. If you'd like to help fund the post-production process, please contact me at [email protected] or go to *
A feature documentary completed April 2016. If you'd like to help fund the post-production process, please contact me at [email protected] or go to *
If you’d like to support a film devoted to genderqueer and trans/transgender people, please take a look at this opportunity
For the past four years, I’ve been making and screening a feature documentary film about people who experience their gender as different than simply male or female. They are masculine-identified people who give birth to babies. They are a diverse and complex group of people who are charismatic, funny, thoughtful, and fascinating to watch. They teach the world about non-binary gender just through who they are and how they became themselves. The film is screening at multiple film festivals, universities, queer groups and groups of birth professionals, including midwives, obstetricians, doulas and lactation consultants.
As a filmmaker,
I became interested in this topic because I, myself, am a masculine-of-center-gendered person who gave birth to two beautiful sons. I wanted to explore the complexity of gender through the apparent contradiction of masculine identity and pregnancy.
After a long career as a psychotherapist in private practice, I began a second career as a filmmaker four years ago. Five film festivals selected my first film, a narrative short called The Fifth Stage of Labor, which I wrote, directed and edited. Being a filmmaker has given me the opportunity to capture on camera the kind of deep revelations I am used to witnessing in psychotherapy.
My intention for this film:
I want to help relieve pain for people who feel misunderstood, confused, or shamed, just because their gender doesn’t fit someone else’s rules. I want to validate people who are their own unique mix of gender elements. For example, some people feel female one day and male the next; others identify as female but want to have a beard; someone else may feel male but want to keep and use his female reproductive organs, and many feel neither female nor male. The possibilities are endless, and my subjects do a beautiful job of conveying support for whatever combination of gender markers any individual feels is authentic personally.
My other hope is to challenge many common assumptions about gender so people who don’t fit the assumptions can be more visible, understood and accepted.
How you can help:
The film is finally finished! While I did most of the work myself to the finishing stages, recruited volunteers to help as needed, and funded what I could with my own money, none of those methods worked for the final, crucial, post-production process of finish editing, sound editing, color correction and grading, composing and recording music and scoring the film, mastering the final film and submitting to film festivals. All of these post-production processes were very expensive.
To prepare the film for public view, I needed to hire people to help me with the highly technical process. To do this, I still need to raise the funds to pay them. I also need funds to add subtitles for the hearing impaired and so that the film can be translated into other languages and reach more people.
This film has the potential to impact many people through film festivals, universities, high schools, online venues, and possibly even television.
Here’s the breakdown of our costs:
Finishing Editor $40,000
Composer $2000
Colorist $5000
Sound Designer $4000
Animation $2000
Tape Transfer $2000
Festival Fees $3000
Marketing Costs $3000
Subtitles $1000
Total $62,000
How to contribute
1. Checks can be sent to: Cyn Lubow, at 501 Kearney St, El Cerrito, CA 94530, or
2. Through PayPal with any credit card or a PayPal account to the email address: [email protected].
3. If you want your contribution to be tax deductible, go to:
please contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this proposal!
Cyn Lubow
Director, A Womb of Their Own
If you don't have a Paypal account and want help using Paypal, please click on the tab at the top of this page that says "How to donate on Paypal" where I have pictures and instructions on the process.
Paypal Instructions--see below or click on tab at top of page "How to donate on Paypal"
*(and click on "Send, " then type in "[email protected]" as my email, then choose "Friends and Family," then follow instructions. If you want more instructions, click on the tab at the top of this page to see screen-by-screen pictures of what to do.
Doing fundraising this way sends all of your money to making this film the most professional it can be, so that it reaches the most people it can help. None of your money goes to administration or crowdfunding fees. If this doesn't work, I'll try Kickstarter, but they will take 10% of what you donate).
*(and click on "Send, " then type in "[email protected]" as my email, then choose "Friends and Family," then follow instructions. If you want more instructions, click on the tab at the top of this page to see screen-by-screen pictures of what to do.
Doing fundraising this way sends all of your money to making this film the most professional it can be, so that it reaches the most people it can help. None of your money goes to administration or crowdfunding fees. If this doesn't work, I'll try Kickstarter, but they will take 10% of what you donate).